In addition to the Balancer Governance Multisig, the DAO itself has a number of multisigs, both on mainnet and other chains, to perform narrow duties that benefit from more agility and don't demand high levels of trust.
List of multisigs where the Balancer Maxis vote:
Optimism Multisig - Used to hold BAL suppled to Multichain liquidity per BIP-3. and set swap fees/amp factor on new pool factories
Ethereum Ops - Used to hold Balancer Maxi operational funds.
Ethereum Gauge Controller (”LM Multisig”) - Used to add new gauges to veBAL voting, add new reward tokens to Ethereum gauges, sometimes seed rewards for other projects, and holds BAL supplied to Multichain liquidity per BIP-3.
0xf56D2a5faA313f597812dD0EDF7f27F386Aa0913 - adds new reward tokens to gauges 0xd9e2889AC8C6fFF8e94c7c1bEEAde1352dF1A513 - sets pool swap fees on old pool factories
0x043f9687842771b3dF8852c1E9801DCAeED3f6bc - current Gov Multisig